What If The Path To Your Big Life-Goals Actually Lies In Employment?

Learn The 5 Simple Strategies You Need To Use A Career Re-Start To Guarantee You Achieve Everything You Really Want In This lifetime, Without The Uncertainty And Financial Stress Of Trying To Make A Full Time Business Work
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  'Pivot To Prosperity' 5-Day Sprint
with UK Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant, Emma Hague, and learn HOW to turn your Thinking Into Results.
24th March 2025
There’s a story we’ve all been sold. It goes something like this:

“To be successful in life, you must quit your job, find your passion, and build a business that makes you rich while you live a life of freedom.”

It’s a nice idea. And for some, it works.

But for many women, real life looks a whole lot different.

You might have built a business, put everything into it, and worked harder than ever — only to realise it’s not making the money you’d hoped. Or, at least, not fast enough.

So, what now?

Does returning to your career mean you’ve failed?

Absolutely not. In fact, it might be the smartest financial decision you ever make.

The Myth of “All or Nothing”

One of the great misconceptions about success is that it’s an “either-or” situation. You can either run a business or work a 9–5.

That you have to choose between freedom and financial security.

But in reality, the most successful and the wealthiest people in the world don’t limit themselves to just one income stream. They build multiple.

They invest their time and money in different opportunities that make them money in various ways.

For you, that might mean returning to a potentially high-paying career while growing a business in a way that works for you.

It might even mean concentrating solely on becoming a successful female leader in industry.

It's OK.

It’s not giving up—it’s levelling up.

Is it easy? No.

Is it a simpler, more enjoyable way to reach your goals? Probably.

Why This Is a Power Move, Not a Step Back

Choosing to go back into your career isn’t about quitting your dreams. It’s about finding your way way to make them a reality.

My mentor, Bob Proctor, used to tell me, “To achieve success, the destination (your goal) must never change. But the path you take to get there will probably not be the one you first think it is”.

It’s about taking back control and giving yourself the resources, stability, and financial foundation to build wealth on your terms.

Think about it:
  • A high salary, with a regular pay cheque, means you can invest in your business properly instead of struggling month to month.
  • ​You have access to business funding, better credit, financial security and, frankly, better credibility in the world outside of entrepreneurship. (The people I like to call The Muggles).
  • ​You don’t have to rely on your business to pay your bills, giving you the freedom to grow it strategically instead of constantly making decisions based on panic.
  • ​You lose the energy of desperation and can operate as the confident, capable human being that you really are.
  • ​You feel better about yourself, regain your credibility and can start to rebuild your self-worth.
  • ​You become much more client attractive.
This isn’t failure. It’s a smart, strategic move towards real success.

And it’s one that too many women are either too proud or too scared to make.
  • You'll Discover The Not-So Strange (but mind-blowing) System I Teach My Students To Uncover Your True Purpose And Work Out Exactly What You're Supposed To Be Doing With Your Life.
  • ​I Reveal A Dead Simple Way To Start Taking Consistent Actions NOW That Will Move You Leaps And Bounds Towards The Life You Really Want, And Show You How To Help Others Do The Same.
  • ​We'll Uncover The Part Of Your Subconscious Mind That Is Keeping You STUCK, And How To Change It - Quickly And Permanently.
  • ​BONUS - I'll Share The Huge Mistake That Most People Who Try To Use The Law Of Attraction Are Making AND Why The Vast Majority Will NEVER Make It Work For Them.
  • ​You'll Be Given Exclusive Access To our Private Challenge Members Only Facebook Group, Along With Everyone Else Taking Part In The Challenge.
  • ​Every Day I'll Share Two Action Items in the group for you to complete and post in the comments how you got on.
  • ​Each task can be done in less than 30 Minutes and I'll be on hand, to answer any questions you have. And You'll Meet Some Amazing New Like-Minded Folk. :-)

Hosted By:

Emma Hague

I'm Emma Hague and I work with the world's leading experts in human potential and growth at the Proctor Gallagher Insitute, helping people create the results they REALLY want in their personal and professional life.
Transform your dreams...into REALITY
Your goals...into ACHIEVEMENTS
Your Thinking...Into RESULTS
"Tell me what you want, and I'll show you how to get it"

For more than 50 years, Bob Proctor made good on that extraordinary promise — empowering millions of people around the world with knowledge and tools to clarify their most compelling goals, tap their inherent greatness, and fulfill their magnificent potential.

One of the greatest masters of The Law of Attraction and a contributor to The Secret, Bob’s own story of rags-to-riches success via the power of thought is an ongoing testament to the effectiveness of his teachings.

When Bob met legendary corporate attorney and esteemed executive consultant Sandy Gallagher, he knew he had discovered the perfect partner to bring forth something truly groundbreaking in the arena of personal and professional development.

Combining his formidable research and experience with her 25 years of expertise in the worlds of billion-dollar business transactions and elite academia, Bob and Sandy have, in Thinking into Results, created a comprehensive systematic approach to real transformation unlike any other.

It is this system that I was trained to deliver, supported and mentored by Bob & Sandy - and it is this system that forms the basis of all my trainings.

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