The Ultimate 'How To REALLY Leave Your Job For Good' Business Model
Without The Fear Of Zero Income Months While You're Getting Started OR Having To Become Some Crazy Social Media Influencer!
(Come find out what your upline isn't telling you...)
How To Ethically Clone A Proven, 6-Figure Business System And Set Your Yourself (And Your Downline) Up For Real Success!
How To Quickly Become A Confident, Authentic, Attractive Leader And The Go-To Person In Your Chosen Field

How To Start Making Money Right Away So You Can Commit To Building Your Dream Downline For The Long-Term

About Your Host
A qualified accountant by profession, Emma now teaches self-employed women (and some very lucky men!) around the world how to achieve the life they really want to be living, by building a business they are 100% in LOVE with – no matter where they might be right now.

As a business owner herself for over 17 years, Emma believes passionately that we need to take control of (and responsibility for) our own lives in order to create the freedom we all want.

Emma’s own turning point came when, having struggled to get her own businesses going for over 10 years, she hit rock bottom financially, had to sell the family home and realised she would likely struggle to get a mortgage ever again.

Bringing her family's dreams of a life of financial freedom  crashing down around them.

Furious with herself and the system, Emma committed to taking back control and creating the future she wants for her and her family by doing whatever it takes to create the life she really wants - and to help others do the same.

As part of her own huge turnaround, Emma found the legendary Bob Proctor (you might know hime from the hit movie 'The Secret'), learning his goal-achievement strategies and eventually being trained and mentored by Bob himself as one of his Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultants.

She now runs a 6-figure coaching and network marketing business and lives a life of true prosperity with the health, wealth and happiness she thought she might never experience.

Emma understands the frustration and time pressure felt by women who are entering the second half of their life and wondering if they’ll ever achieve the things they dream of before their time on this planet is over.

She is a coach and mentor grounded in the real-world and can help you create what's next for you.
"Trust the process."

Emma is still in the process of working towards her BIG goals in life and teaches the systems she has tried and tested and found to have worked for her to the women in her coaching community.
If You LOVE Network Marketing And Are Determined To Build A Business That Really WILL Allow You To Leave Your 9-5 Forever, This Training Is Going To Change Your Life
Join Emma on this free training to find out what you need to do to succeed.

© 2023 Copyright Emma Hague Coaching - ALL Rights Reserved

Earnings Disclaimer: Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real. These results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. You should assume that products, programmes or personal recommendations made by Emma Hague, may result in compensation paid to me by those I recommend. I recommend resources that I use myself, unless it specifically states that I do not use that resource. I do recommend many products and services to my clients which I do not use myself. If you would rather that I not be compensated for these recommendations, go to Google and search for the item and find a non-affiliate link to use. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgement prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result.