This Is Your Chance To Generate The Income You Need, From Your Own Business  To Actually Achieve The Life You Really Want, In This Lifetime!

(Starts Monday 11th January 2021)

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Yes it’s true: Your worries that you're never (ever) going to actually achieve the things you really want in life can be over for good..

IF you're willing to put the effort in.

Because after more than 14 years helping people achieve their business goals, and almost 3 years working with my phenomenal mentor Bob Proctor to help people achieve their life goals,  I've put together a package that WILL change your life path and bring you the income, health and relationships you REALLY want...

I've come to realise, since working with Bob to help people around the world get clear on their BIG goals - the things they dream of having - most people are stuck because they don't know the 'How'.

"Yes, Emma, I believe I can have the big house, the 6-figure income, the car, the holidays because I see others with those things

...but I just don't know HOW to do it."


In this short letter, you’ll discover the true path to a life of abundance through making your own business actually work..
Hey, it’s me, Emma.

And, probaby like you, I've spent tens of thousands of pounds on programmes, courses, challenges and workshops that all promised how to teach me to earn more money, but actually just taught me more and more technical stuff that, on its own, will never work.

How To Run Profitable Google Ads, Facebook Ads, How To Run Telesummits, How To Speak From The Stage, How To Shoot Client-Attractive You-Tube Videos, How To Run A Profitable Online Launch...

I could go on.

For a long time.

This advice seems to be coming from “experts” in the business coaching world who have earned all their money from simply teaching marketing techniques to other people...that they've learned from other people.

Most have never had to set up their own 'proper' business, from scratch, with no clue how to get customers, because they came from a sales & marketing background already.

That's a HUGE advantage when you're running a business.

And even the ones who have actually built their own business from scratch are teaching you to do something they're NOT doing, just to get you in the door!

If you’re anything like I was a couple of years ago:

🤬 Your marketing efforts are hit-and-miss, and you’re not consistently attracting the right clients who will pay you what you’re really worth

🤬 You’re full of creative ideas, but missing a clear plan to generate consistent business income right now

🤬 You’re feeling the stress of 'roller coaster cash-flow' but aren’t sure how to get out of this cycle

🤬 You’re passionate about helping others, but aren't sure what / who you should be focusing on in your business

🤬 You see other people in your industry earning amazing income but just can't see how you can do the same

I know you’re ready to make a real change and get out of this situation you are in. Not just because it's long overdue and you deserve better, but because I was just like you not too long ago and you know I’ll lead you in the right direction.

I Know How Hard It Is...

I fell for the same stupid advice we all do…

"Use Google to find what keywords are most popular so you know what to sell."

"Research what your competition are doing and 'model' that."

"Check what your competition are charging and model that."

"Get as many leads as you can by offering something free to as many people as possible and work on up-selling them more expensive offers."

"Build an all-singing, all-dancing website with built-in sales funnels so you look professional and 'make money while you sleep'..."

The problem is it just doesn't work like that when you're trying to get going properly (you might have noticed...)

Unfortunately, you (like me) have probably got so drawn into the 'nuts-and-bolts' of trying to get customers..any customers...that you've got yoursef into a downward spiral.

You spend money you haven't really got to attract people who will never pay you what you're really worth, meaning you earn less money than you really need leaving you with even less money to attract new clients with.

All these things do is make you feel (and look) desperate and leave you wide open to 'bright shiny object syndrome'.

Ever heard yoursef thinking "If I can just learn 'x' next I'm sure I can make this work..."?

Every day you hope and pray you'll get some kind of 'sign', some confirmation that the results you really want are on the way to you…some guidance as to what you need to bloody well DO to make things happen. But it rarely happens that way.

Sometimes you wonder if you're even cut out for this self-employment malarkey - after all, look at the tiny percentage of people who actually make business ownership work....but then you look at the ones who are KILLING it, and say 'but what if?...'
I doubted myself for a long time.

I know what it’s like to be absolutely broke…

I know what it’s like to feel like I’m just faking it…

Wondering if I'll ever work out how to get what I really want...

Wondering if I’m truly cut out for this kind of freedom...

I know what it's like to have to rely on other people, to feel beholden to other people, and not have my own independence and total freedom - that allows me to be able to do whatever I want, with who I want, whenever I bloody well want to.

Simply put: I want to set you up so you can be free.

No more shame, no more guilt, no more loneliness and no more helpless frustration…

Let’s just get creating an abundance of health, wealth and happiness together, shall we?

It begins by joining my 'Create Your Own 6-Figure Business' Virtual Bootcamp today.

And you can relax knowing I've helped hundreds of people over the past 14 years - first as a Chartered Management Accountant, then as a Certified Money, Marketing & Soul Coach and now as a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant.

Not just that - I'm in the trenches with you, I'm working on my own goals, growing my own multiple streams of income and becoming a better person with better relationships on a continual basis, thanks to the methods I teach in this incredible programme and my mentor Bob Proctor.
The reviews from my clients are awesome… that’s because the processes we use are simple, structured and proven, and you can start using them to immediately create an incredible impact in all areas of your life.

IT DOES TAKE WORK… but when you follow the step by step process and just DO what I'm telling you to do, you can start seeing results quicker than you ever thought possible.

It's not an overnight fix to all your struggles but this strategy is step-by-step and it's simple (far simpler than your current one) - and it gets results. Big and permanent results.

I tried for years to get the results I really wanted, trying to piece together free trainings - books, YouTube videos, articles, presentations.

Then I progressed to actually paying for stuff - loads of it - I just didn't know what I really needed so I took a kind of scatter-gun approach. I figured if I just learned everything, something would work...

The problem was, I wan't interested in the internal work that I know now is so important in getting the results you want...

the work that improves your self-image and self-confidence, that helps you beat procrastination and just get stuff done...

the work that makes you start thinking like the person you need to become to achieve the things you want to achieve.

So I focused on just the practical stuff - the 'just show me what to do and how to do it' stuff. I wasn't interested at all in that 'woo-woo' BS.

The truth is, if you want to be truly successful at anything in this life you need a mentor who can show you both - and most can't (or won't) do that.

It took me a long time to accept that and to find the courage to invest in the guidance I needed.

My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. And I wish I had a £ for every time one of my clients has told me the same thing.

'Create Your Own 6-Figure Business' Virtual Bootcamp teaches you the exact processes I'm using and more.

I teach you easy and fast ways to reveal your unique brilliance and how to authentically brand it so you create a business you are 100% in love with, discover your authentic, lucrative niche (those people who’ll pay you what you’re really worth…) so that you can attract and keep more ideal clients... transform that 'thing you do' into a Branded Signature System that tells clients exactly what they get when they hire you, easily organise all the ideas you have into a simple, dynamic framework so you see how all the pieces fit together, and know how to plan your year and predict your income, create packages that serve clients who truly desire what you have to offer, while you work fewer hours for significantly more income... handle any pricing situation with ease and integrity...

...and so much more!
These methods have been tried and tested with thousands of business owners around the world who’ve achieved amazing results too - in fact many 6 and 7 -figure entrepreneurs that you may have heard of have used this exact system to structure their own businesses.

BUT...Don’t even think about making a
decision to join my Virtual Bootcamp now unless…

  • You want a clear plan to grow your business, PLUS the coaching, tools, and ongoing support to implement it
  • You want work to not feel like work - because you're doing something you love and are excited to become amazing at it
  • You want your growth to be quick and painless! The idea of spending no more than 30 minutes a day is very exciting to you
  • You want to spend most of your day doing things you LOVE
  • ​You want to be able to travel, and give your family special, once in a lifetime experiences
  • ​You want to be debt free and have a massive savings account
  • ​You want a fresh start and a new lease on life
  • ​You want to be in control of your life, finances, and business
  • ​You want to feel more confident
  • ​You want to show them you ARE the goal-achieving superstar you have trapped inside
You’re about to finally have the systems you need to map out the life you truly want for you and your family - and see it come into fruition.

...and best of all?

In less than 30 minutes a day.

No magical fairy dust. No BS! Just a simple proven process that works for anyone… let me repeat that:

This Will Work For You.

(and the process CAN be easy and joyful when you have the right support and training.)

What Am I Getting Exactly?

This is a 12 week programme to take you where you want to go.

I'll be running the programme 4 times in the next 12 months and you'll have a place on each and every intake.

That means you'll have 4 opportunities over the next year to work with me and my systems - and to pick my brains! - to create your own 6-figure business.

Over the next 12 weeks, you'll:
  • finally have your business structured for financial success
  • ​break through your inner obstacles regarding your fees, so your business can thrive with greater revenue and profits.
  • have a clear plan to grow your business, PLUS the coaching, tools, and ongoing support to implement it.
  • become the inspiring leader of your business you are meant to be.
  • ​​Enjoy step-by-step hand holding support and guidance from me and our amazing community.
  • Get Lifetime access to the 'Create Your Own 6-Figure Business' Virtual Bootcamp materials - videos, mp3 audios, worksheets, templates and scripts.
  • Receive access to my private coaching community where you’ll form new friendships, partnerships, and get feedback, support, and advice whenever you need it. Including coaching calls every 2 weeks in the private community group, where you'll receive more in-depth training, can ask me questions, learn and be motivated by the successes of my other members.
  • Benefit from accountability and ass-kicking! Sometimes we need more than hand holding. No more being an addicted course junky, jumping from shiny object to shiny object. We do the work and get the results. No excuses.
I open this programme to new students only 4 times a year.
This is your chance and to make sure you don’t miss it,
I'm offering 3 different ways to pay during the COVID-19 pandemic:
One Payment of £1,190
Here’s a detailed outline of the modules we’ll coach on together so you
attract more clients and generate greater income:

Branding With Archetypes ®

Reveal Your Unique Brilliance And Authentic Brand

There’s a unique part of you that many women business owners mistakenly believe they have to hold back. In this module, you’ll discover your Brand Archetype, which unlocks the powerful, instantly recognizable presence within you that’s a client-attraction and opportunity magnet.

Here's a peek at just some of what you'll discover in this exciting module:

• Capture your spirit, personality and passion into an authentic brand promise you can use in all your marketing

• Instantly create an irresistible marketing message (you'll love the template I’ll coach you through in this module)

Confidently choose your website design and images, write attention- getting emails, sales copy and marketing material (even if you're not a writer!)

Identify your unique brilliance and use it as a powerful catalyst for focusing your gifts and talents on your most profitable actions

• Use your Brand Archetype to immediately begin growing your business

Niche Breakthrough Secrets

Are you ready to discover your authentic, lucrative niche (those people
who’ll pay you what you’re really worth…)
so that you can attract and keep more ideal clients?

Revealing your niche is surprisingly easy with the simple steps I’ll walk you through.

Examples of what you'll discover in this eye-opening module:

• Pinpoint your most lucrative niche (it's often right under your nose and I'll coach you to discover it so you accomplish this crucial first step)

Re-invent your business without discarding what's working or starting from scratch (sometimes, all it takes is a few simple tweaks to experience a boost in new business...I will coach you to quickly and confidently make those tweaks)

• How to quickly eliminate any emotional blocks you may have to choosing your perfect niche (this is a simple mind-set shift that will give you permission to confidently surge ahead in all areas of your business)

• Determine if your niche is "hot or not"

Profit Pyramids

(Your Personal Roadmap To 6-Figures & Beyond...)

Do you have lots of ideas about how to serve your clients,
but you’re not sure where to start?

The Profit Pyramid easily organises all the ideas you have into a simple, dynamic framework. Suddenly you see how all the pieces fit together, so you know exactly how to plan your year and predict your income.

Here’s a sampling of what I'll coach you on in this module:

Stop giving away all your time on your least income producing activities

• Easily organise your ideas into a simple, streamlined flow of offers so you can plan your year and predict your income

• Which price point in your Profit Pyramid you should focus on first

• Confidently choose which ideas to implement first, next and so on (so you make more money quickly)

• The secret to creatively adding new income streams – with minimal effort

• How to "stack" your offers so one leads naturally to another, creating a cascade of cash flow month after month

Your Branded Signature System

Every business owner has their own special magic, but
you need someone to help you transform that magic into a Branded Signature
System that tells clients exactly what they get when they hire you.

In this module, I'll walk you step by step through how to transform your expertise into an exciting Signature System that attracts a steady stream of ideal clients.

Here is just a sampling of how you can use your Signature System to generate new income:

Quickly transform that "thing you do" into an exciting Signature System that’s easy to market and enrol new clients

• Eliminate "what do I offer" overwhelm, clarifying your most profitable path to cash

Organise your services to create a signature line of packages, programmes, courses and more, taking clients through the steps of your Signature System

Get your knowledge organised into step-by-step 'chapters' for the book you want to write

Position yourself as a valued expert in the eyes of your ideal clients

How To Create Packages That Sell Themselves

Learn how to fix your prices and
confidently predict your income.

Every business has the opportunity to offer packages and the benefits are huge – you serve clients who truly desire what you have to offer, while you work fewer hours for significantly more income.

This could be what catapults your reputation, too.

Take a look at some of what I'll coach you on in detail:

• Shift out of the trading time for pounds / dollars model and into the mind-set of owning your value

Step by step, create packages based on results instead of "process" or time

Stop overloading your packages, saving you tons of time and energy

Trim the number of days worked each month, freeing your time and increasing your happiness

Re-energise your offers with packages that are client attractive, highly appealing and practically sell themselves

How To Charge What You're Worth And Get It!®

Learn to handle any pricing situation
with ease and integrity.

If you struggle with how much to charge and how to confidently state your fees, you are not alone.

This module gets to the heart of the matter and provides you with practical tools so you can handle any pricing situation with ease and integrity.

Here are just some of the highlights of this module:

• A powerful exercise that immediately gives you a fresh perspective on the value of your offerings (and will transform doubt about what to charge into authentic confidence)

What to say when clients ask, "How much do you charge?"

• Easily solve the problem of what to charge for each of your services, programmes, products or packages

• Create your personalised "pricing paradigm" for unshakable confidence and belief in charging higher fees

• Quickly determine what to charge to create value, without over-delivering or creating overwhelm

Create authentic and respectful boundaries so you experience fewer problems such as over-delivering, undercharging or late client payments.
I’ve done my best to knock you off the fence today. I know these methods can change your life as they have for me and thousands of others.

What is it worth to you to finally pay down all your debts and be able to breathe again?

What is it worth to you to be able to travel with your family whenever you want, barely thinking twice about it?

What is it worth to you to stop freaking out about money?

What's it worth to you to build a healthy, winning self-image?

What is it worth to have unstoppable self-belief and the knowledge you can be, do or have all the things you really want?

I believe you're here for a reason, and I believe you're at a crossroads today.

Fast Forward 12 months from now - what is going to be different?

Following a proven, structured coaching system that is tailored to your own business will take you, your clients and your income to the next level.

Consider for just a minute what having a financially successful business means to you – more freedom, helping more people, generating more income, spending more time with people you care about…

This Bootcamp is that vehicle.

Sign up before it's too late.

All I’m offering you is a proven plan and help to put it into action… a plan that can change everything for you… starting today.

Join now.

P.S. Still on the fence?

I understand completely. If you still have a few concerns, hopefully, I do a good job of answering for you them below.

  Concern #1: "I'm too busy worrying about the coronavirus pandemic - I'm not in the right frame of mind to do this right now"

Where do I start?!

First off, it's times like these that you need to surround yourself with positive, supportive, like-minded people - and what better way to do that at the moment than virtually?! Supporting your emotional and mental health over the coming months is absolutely critical and focusing on what you want in life (with an amazing group of peers), instead of getting caught up in what's going on around you, is the perfect way to do that.

It can be easy to feel like everything is collapsing around you, but we give you a structured, step-by-step system to make sure your hopes and dreams don't and you can tackle whatever comes with calm confidence.

Second, this is the perfect time to reflect on your situation - if you're worried about your income, taking control of it (by creating multiple sources of income) is the only way to solve that problem and prepare you for whatever financial challenges you might face in the future. We teach you to do just that.

Finally, if you're feeling mega-stressed about this, chances are this isn't the only time you've felt like that. We teach you how to control your thoughts and your emotions so that you don't get anxious and stay calm enough to respond to situations in a contructive way, rather than habitually reacting (panicking).

My clients say this is one of the most life-changing effects they have seen.

Concern #2: "The challenge was so intense, I don’t want to do that for 12 weeks non-stop in the Bootcamp"

The Bootcamp is not that fast paced, don’t worry. I created the challenge to shake you up a bit, to help you realise what's posiible and what might be going wrong for you at the moment - it’s a Quick Start challenge! People worry about, "If I'm going to be away", "If I've got a holiday", "If I've got other priorities", and what I would say to that is, the Bootcamp is built in with these things in mind, there's no pressure to keep up with anyone else - you can go at your own pace if you need to - or you can use my timetable for accountability and to make sure you take action.

There’s plenty of support for my members at all levels.

Concern #3: "I'm concerned about the time difference between where I live and the UK - I might not be able to make the live calls"

50% of my clients are situated outside the UK and they do brilliantly! The training content is delivered on demand, online so you access it when is convenient for you, and all my training sessions and Q&A sessions are recorded and available for you to watch/download.

If you're not able to attend live, you can simply send me your questions and I'll answer them on the live for you so you can watch it later. PLUS the results of this programme far, far outweigh any jiggery pokery you might choose to do to join us live occasionally. :-)

Current and past client locations include the UK, USA, Australia and Europe. We are a truly global community of friends and colleagues. :-)   (Vacation, anyone?!)

Concern #4: "Is it going to work for me?"

I've said it plenty of times: I’ve not found anyone yet that this system won't work for. I've been in the trenches with hundreds of people, learning, teaching and implementing this material over the last 6 years. It's not about your current circumstances, it's about being prepared to do the work to get you where you want to go.

The principles are universal, and you will have the support to adapt the small nuances to your own situation. If you're committed to it and you do the work, it will work.

  Concern #5: "I’ve invested in so many courses before and been totally let down, I don’t want my fingers (and bank account) burnt again"

Yup, I’ve been there! I totally get where you’re coming from and it’s important you know this.

I have found nothing else like this programme out there. This will be the last business building 'course' you will ever need to take.

If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it. The big difference with the Bootcamp compared to other things that I've seen, is the interaction. It's the support of the community that helps people to make this a success.

So, assuming you're prepared to do the work, then you haven't just got me, and my strategies to implement, you've got a peer support network of other people - people all trying to do the same thing you're trying to do. To achieve more (much more) than they're currently experiencing.

​Concern #6: "I don't have time right now. I'll wait for the next one"

This makes no sense to me. You obviously need to make a change if you're to have any chance of achieving the things you really want in life.

You have no idea how long it will take - or how much time you have left on this earth. So why are you waiting three months? Imagine how much progress you could make in the next three months working with me and a group of like-minded individuals all looking to be, do or have more!

Where would you be in three months if you woke up every day feeling energised, knowing exactly what you needed to do each day to move you towards your goal, and actually doing it - starting now? What would it be worth to you to achieve your dream years (if not decades) ahead of attempting this on your own?

In my experience, for those who wait another three months before even starting, nothing changes. Three months from now, they’ll come up with another reason to wait three more months.

Are you a waiter, or a doer?

Hosted By:
Emma Hague

I'm Emma Hague and I work with Bob Proctor, helping people create the results they REALLY want in their personal and professional life.
Transform your dreams...into REALITY
Your goals...into ACHIEVEMENTS
Your Thinking...Into RESULTS
"Tell me what you want, and I'll show you how to get it"

For more than 50 years, Bob Proctor has been making good on that extraordinary promise — empowering millions of people around the world with knowledge and tools to clarify their most compelling goals, tap their inherent greatness, and fulfill their magnificent potential.

One of the living masters of The Law of Attraction and a contributor to The Secret, Bob’s own story of rags-to-riches success via the power of thought is an ongoing testament to the effectiveness of his teachings.

When Bob met legendary corporate attorney and esteemed executive consultant Sandy Gallagher, he knew he had discovered the perfect partner to bring forth something truly groundbreaking in the arena of personal and professional development.

Combining his formidable research and experience with her 25 years of expertise in the worlds of billion-dollar business transactions and elite academia, Bob and Sandy have, in Thinking into Results, created a comprehensive systematic approach to real transformation unlike any other.

It is this system that I now deliver, supported and mentored by Bob & Sandy - and it is this system that forms the basis of all my trainings.

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